Holiday Cleaning Guide – Keeping Businesses Squeaky Clean & Bright!

|December 27, 2019

‘Tis the season to be jolly, to enjoy holiday parties, to watch your favorite movies, and to try your very best to avoid becoming a victim of the cold and flu bugs that always seem to make the rounds. Some people love the hustle and bustle of the holidays, while others can find it a bit overwhelming – no matter where you fall on the spectrum, with little exception there is usually plenty to do. If you run a business, this can be even doubly true as you prepare both your personal and professional lives for the season of joy. If it’s not already in your to-do list, giving your business a December deep clean is a great item to add – not only will it rejuvenate your space in anticipation of holiday business needs, but it can also help keep you – and your staff, if applicable – healthy during the sickness season to avoid unnecessary time off and missed days. Without further ado, here is your holiday cleaning guide to keeping your business squeaky clean and bright!

Sanitize Santa’s Workshop

Okay, unless you work in the North Pole, your business may not quite be Santa’s workshop – but it certainly is where you make your own professional magic happen, and for that reason it should be well cared for. The winter season is the perfect time to sanitize anything and everything. It pays to be detail oriented on this task, as it can be hard to believe the number of surfaces our hands touch spreading a little more than just cheer – namely, germs. Grab your favorite spray or wipes and go to tinseltown cleaning desks, doorknobs, cabinet handles, drawer pulls, printer touchpads, and anywhere else bacteria may be hiding.

Jingle Bell Mop

The winter season means rain, and rain means mud. In the warmer months, it can be easy to spot sweep and call it a day, but you owe it to your business and yourself to keep it looking merry and bright all year long. Don’t be afraid to whip out the mop bucket a little more often and know that it’s both a bright time and the right time to mop the night away.

Dust the Halls

You can deck them, too, while you’re at it – but definitely dust them first. Dusting is a small task that can be easy to ignore for a long stretch of time, until all of the sudden it’s obvious a terrible mistake has been made. Don’t let dust sneak up on you like the Grinch this holiday season, and get ahead of that task to keep things looking as clean and white as the Christmas you’ve been dreaming of.

By taking the time to get to all those nitty gritty tasks that don’t always receive proper attention, you’ll be prepared to host the perfect holiday party, winter sale, or simply give your best effort to keeping you and your staff healthy all winter long. Plus, by the time next season rolls around, you won’t have nearly as much to catch up on when it comes to diving into spring cleaning.

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